The Year-End Writing Wrap-Up

Well, 2021 ended up being somewhat less dreadful than the year before. With any luck, next year will be better. We shall see!
But before I start looking forward, I’d like to look back at what work of mine made it out into the world over the last year. It turned out to be a pretty prolific period for me, with seven stories and my first stand-alone novella–which makes me very proud.
Links to purchase or read all of these are below.
Sisters in Arms, Trepidatio Publishing, July 2021
Out with the Old, Daily Science Fiction, October 2021
To Die, to Sleep, No More, Weirdbook Annual: Zombies!, October 2021
Seven Stars, Uncharted Magazine, September 2021
Underneath, Green Inferno: The World Celebrates Your Demise, July 2021
The Grave of Angels, Vastarien Volume 4 Issue 1, June 2021
And Lucy Fell, Nightmare Magazine #101, February 2021
Homecoming, Dim Shores Presents Volume 2, January 2021
There are already stories in the release pipeline for January, which I will be very happy to announce when the time comes. So, as ever, happy holidays, and updates to follow!